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Friday: Flood Update

To all of our clients: I'm sure you have seen coverage on the news of the historic flooding in Eastern NC. The Neuse River (across the street from our office) is continuing to rise and is expected to crest today. Most of the roads to and from the city have been closed due to flooding/wash outs.

Any case work we have already received is safely located upstairs and will be resumed once the mandatory evacuation of our area has been lifted. Right now, we are monitoring the flooding. Please contact us via Facebook or via email if you have any questions ( Your thoughts and prayers would be appreciated at this time.

As soon as we are able, we are hoping to return to work and return to your lab work. Right now, we are hoping that will be Monday (October 17). If that changes, we will keep you updated on Facebook and on our website.

We apologize for the inconvenience and will do our best to get back to your cases as soon as we are able.

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